Bug Fixes
All Platforms
Anti Alias (AA) and Post Processing (PP) seem to unnecessarily increase GPU usage.
Partial Fix | Some changes have been made to the Engine Rendering system and settings, we are still investigating further causes, but GPU usage is down after testing.
Collectables Menu was showing additional collected items in overall counter.
Resolved | Counter was incorrectly adding in values, will now show the correct number, aligning with the grid of unlocked collectables.
Xbox Series X|S
Player effects not showing. (Ball Trail and Dawn, Dusk & Midnight auras).
Resolved | Ball trails and Ball Player effects should now be showing.
Windows Store
The “Overall Quality” section in graphic setting dose not remain as custom despite it being set to custom. And appears as the Anti Alias’ quality instead.
Resolved | Changes to our menu structure and back-end have fixed this issue.
The “Overall Quality” section in graphic setting dose not remain as custom despite it being set to custom. And appears as the Anti Alias’ quality instead.
Resolved | Changes to our menu structure and back-end have fixed this issue.
Player effects not showing. (Ball Trail and Dawn, Dusk & Midnight auras).
Resolved | Ball trails and Ball Player effects should now be showing.
Epic Games Store
The “Overall Quality” section in graphic setting dose not remain as custom despite it being set to custom. And appears as the Anti Alias’ quality instead.
Resolved | Changes to our menu structure and back-end have fixed this issue.
All Platforms
- New Customisation Menu | As an early preview, and in response to some feedback we have added some initial Ball Shell Customisation to Mineral, this includes 4 new Default Shells, 5 Core World Shells, and 8 Unlockable Shells.
- Crystals | Gather Crystals as an in-game currency to obtain Unlockable Shells.
- Menu Structure System | The Menu structure system has been updated and improved in the background in response to bugs and to support new menus. Title Update 1.2 will bring a whole new menu design to support additional customisation and DLC packs.
- Sound Sampling | Audio sampling has been improved and optimised when packaging.