Current Mineral Version | 1.1.4 | Known Issues


This is the list of Known issues with Mineral, we will update this page frequently as well as identifying when issues have been resolved.

To report a new bug/issue click the button below:

Bug Tracking

Items listed in Green have been fixed.

Items listed in Orange are in-progress.

Version 1.1.4

Xbox Series X|S

No reported issues for Xbox Series X or Series S.

Windows Store

Rendering Banding issues on some GPU/CPU Configurations.

Currently Investigating | This has only been observed intermittently, we believe it is linked to some rendering settings not loading correctly on low-end GPUs.


Rendering Banding issues on some GPU/CPU Configurations.

Currently Investigating | This has only been observed intermittently, we believe it is linked to some rendering settings not loading correctly on low-end GPUs.


No reported issues for PlayStation 5.

Epic Games Store

No bugs observed or reported.

All Platforms

Post Processing (PP) seem to unnecessarily increase GPU usage.

Partial Fix | Some changes have been made to the Engine Rendering system and settings, we are still investigating further causes, but GPU usage is down after testing.

Save and Return option not working when returning from some menus.

Currently Investigating | This is believed to be as part of the updates to the menu structure have changed how some systems and key bindings interact.